Able Innovations is making waves - all thanks to its astounding supporters. Since the onset of the 2020 pandemic, the issue of patient transfer has become increasingly well-known.
Healthcare facilities around the world have taken notice of the severe risks associated with the physically-laborious and mentally straining task of patient transfer for both patients and caregivers. Most notably, are two healthcare experts, Dr. Gaurav Puri and Dr. Andrew Vellathottam, who started supporting Able's mission early-on.
This article provides insight into the seriousness of the issue of patient transfer and the excitement surrounding Able Innovations' solution, the ALTA Platform™. With the massive support gained from multiple parties including NorthSpring Capital Partners, Ontario Centre of Innovation’s Market Readiness Fund, University of Waterloo’s Velocity Health Tech Fund, and Dr. Puri and Dr. Vellathottam - the company is looking forward to validating their tech across North America this year!